Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On picking up popsicle sticks

My kids have become hardcore popsicle fiends and I am forever picking up sticks all over my house. Usually from off the bottom of my foot. Then the ice cream truck drives by with that delightful music and I find myself buying more popsicle sticks. (Yes, I know my children will have Type-2 diabetes by the time they are ten.) This is in addition to the Legos and Lincoln Logs I am constantly rounding up. In fact, I have a new name for these types of toys--exercise pellets, because all they are good for is creating exercise for me. Let me remind myself that the days of popsicle sticks are but a short season in my life and my kids will grow up before I can blink. One day soon, I will walk through my house and have nothing to trip on but a carpet with no juice stains. Lord, let me know I am blessed for the muddy hands and sticky faces you have so generously given me to watch over. I suddenly find I have nothing to complain about.

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